Achieving the best results from BestBikeSplit is dependent on having good elevation data for our math and physics model. Below is a guide to help you select the best GPX data to upload to the system. As always if you have any issues contact us and we will get back quickly.

Most Accurate Data Collection Devices

  • Garmin 810
  • Garmin 800
  • Garmin 510
  • GPS devices with barometric altimeter correction*
  • Some Android Phones
    • Galaxy S3/4 have altimeter
    • Strava app does not use the altimeter for Android

*The Garmin 500 and 910xt can often collect accurate data, but have been shown to be prone to temperature drift and occasional drop outs.

Recommended GPX Data Sources

  • Garmin Connect activities
    • Check upload device for each activity
  • Strava activities (your own rides)
  • Strava Activities (Premium Downloads)
    • Check upload device
    • Avoid activities made with iPone/Android App
  • RideWithGPS
    • Does not show the device used for upload
    • Check elevation data before upload
  • BestBikeSplit MapQuest Data Lookup
    • 10 m (⅓ arch second) resolution in the US
    • 30 m (1 arch second) resolution Internationally

Typically Poor Data Collection Devices

  • GPS Watches/ Bike Computers with no altimeter
  • Phone Apps

Least Recommended Data Sources

  • MapMyRide
    • Heavily sampled lat/long data set
    • No elevation data provided
  • Strava Route Creator
    • Heavily reduce lat/long data set
    • No elevation data provided

Make sure you look at the elevation chart (preferably in Garmin) before uploaded to BestBikeSplit to see if there is drift in the data over time or any sharp drops/jumps (that don't actually exist) on the course. If these issues are present you may want to find a different data file or use our MapQuest elevation data lookup. A detailed look at several devices and common data sources are shown in the table below.

Common Data Collection Devices

Device BestBikeSplit Upload Setting Elevation Accuracy Elevation Resolution Data Collection Frequency Notes
Garmin 800/10, 510 File Elevation +/- 10 feet from actual (when calibrated) .2 meter steps ~ 6 meters Accuracy can be affected by temperature changes
Garmin 500 File Elevation* or Lookup Elevation (US Only) +/- 50 feet from actual (when calibrated) .2 meter steps ~ 8 meters Prone to dropouts with old firmware
Garmin 910xt - (3.0 Firmware) File Elevation or MapQuest Lookup Elevation +/- 10 to +/- 100 feet depending on whether barometer is used ~18-40 meters If device is wet it will not use barometer for elevation enhancement
Garmin 310xt MapQuest Lookup Elevation +/- 100 feet No enhanced elevation
Typical GPS Watches MapQuest Lookup Elevation +/- 100 feet Varies Varies No enhanced elevation

Common GPX File Sources

Device Elevation Data Provided Data Sampling Frequency Elevation Setting Suggestion
Garmin Connect Yes Device Dependent (see above) 6 meters - 40 meters Device Dependent (see above)
MapMyRide No >35 meters (Heavily reduced data set) MapQuest Lookup Elevation
RideWithGPS (Rides) Yes Device Dependent (see above) Device Dependent (see above)
RideWithGPS (Routes Created In App) Yes Reduced Sample Set Steps based on elevation. File Elevation or MapQuest Lookup Data (in US)
Strava GPX from your own Ride Yes Device Dependent (see above) Device Dependent (see above)
Strava Activity GPX(Premium) Yes Device Dependent (see above) Device Dependent (see above)
Strava Routes (Created in App) No Heavily Reduced Sample MapQuest Lookup Elevation
Strava Segments API Yes Reduced Sample MapQuest Lookup Elevation

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